7.UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE of Latin America and Caribbean、Faculty of Communication of the Russian Federation、Thot-CRIARCOMは、You TubeとMIL Talk WebinarでチャンネルMIL Cities network - UNESCO conceptを作成し、4大陸の代表が参加した。最初のMILトークは、先月この世を去ったイリーナ・ジラフスカヤ氏を偲んで行われました。詳細はhttps://lnkd.in/g3fuBp6
9. ASOE Acting for Safer Online Environment(安全なオンライン環境のための行動): 就学前児童のための情報リテラシー介入。アルメニアのパブリック・ジャーナリズム・クラブが中心となって、幼稚園の先生にメディアリテラシーのトレーニングを提供するプロジェクトを行っています。詳細は https://pjc.am/?lang=en を参照。
10. 5th Thessaloniki International Summer Academy on Media(第 5 回テッサロニキ国際メディアアカデミー)。アリストテレス大学テッサロニキ校(AUTh)のジャーナリズム・マスコミュニケーション学部と欧州連合(EU)のパブリック・ディプロマシーのジャン・モネ氏、およびその他のパートナーが主催します。詳細は https://www.joursummerschool.org/
15- ユネスコは、ウェビナー「Talking with the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance Awardees」を開催しました。ユネスコ・プログラム・スペシャリストのアルトン・グリズリー氏の司会で、「ユネスコ・メディア情報リテラシー(MIL)アライアンス・アワード2020」の受賞者6名との対話が行われました。詳細はこちら: https://fb.watch/v/19X7zTUMm/
UNESCO MIL Alliance Asia-PacificChapterはPhilippine Association for Media and InformationLiteracy (PAMIL)の協力を得て、5月8日に「MIL and PressFreedom」をテーマにアジアのMIL専門家とのウェビナーを開催した。
Games For ImpactとIndigames Polandは、シェリー・ホープ・カルバー氏をゲストスピーカーに迎え、ウェビナー「DigitalPlaygrounds: young gamers and critical thinking: How video games can foster criticalthinking in children」を開催しました。ストリーミングは以下のサイトでご覧いただけます。
The annual Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week Feature Conference and Youth Agenda Forum will be held this year from 24 to 26 September under the theme “MIL Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered.” UNESCO, UNAOC, the Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) University Network, the UNESCO-led Global Alliance for Partnerships on MIL (GAPMIL), in partnership with the local hosts County Council Region Västra Götaland and University of Gothenburg (Sweden), are pleased to invite proposals for case study/project-related presentations and academic papers for the Feature Conference.
Online submissions of abstracts (500 words maximum including references), together with a short biography of each author and 3-5 keywords, should be made via this online form. Deadline: 15th May 2019.
A Scientific Committee will evaluate and select proposals based on their relevance to the sub-themes outlined, among other criteria. The authors of selected papers and presentations will be invited to present at the Global MIL Week 2019 Feature Conference on 24 and 25 September 2019 at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center in Gothenburg, Sweden. Selected authors will also be invited to submit full versions of their papers for publication in the MILID Yearbook 2019.
Deadline for submission of abstract: 15th May 2019
Notification of acceptance: 30th May 2019
Deadline for submission of full papers for MILID Yearbook 2019: 8th September 2019
All stakeholders from the MIL community across the world, including civil society groups, academic community, research centres, think tanks, governments and public policy makers, United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations, MIL-relevant industries (communication and media companies, technological intermediaries, advertising, film industries, gaming sector, content industries, etc.), other relevant private sector organizations, city officials, smart cities[1], creative cities[2], knowledge networks, education institutions, youth organizations, libraries, museums, archives, other social media actors, and information and media professionals.
Global MIL Week Feature Conference 2019 will address the concept of MIL Citizens and how MIL can contribute to improving the levels of information, engagement, and empowerment for all. By highlighting these issues, we can progress towards the objectives of open and pluralistic information systems, promoting sustainable development, inclusion, equality, intercultural dialogue, and safeguarding democracy.
The keywords in the theme of the Feature Conference can be penetrated and discussed from the micro as well as the macro perspective, from an individual point of view as well as institutional and societal levels. In times of rapid societal changes, including in sustainable development, information, technology, and media – how can MIL empower people while building trust? Can we raise critical awareness in the use of media and information sources without risking trust? How can MIL enhance access to media and information? How can the key competencies about how to navigate in the information, media, and technological landscape be taught? Are there innovative ways of reaching out to the adult population who are outside the educational system? How can societies, through good governance, enable a positive development of MIL? What are the cornerstones in facilitating positive initiatives and actions? What can we learn from each other’s experiences to concentrate our efforts to maximize the benefits of what new technology, digitalization, and cooperation provide and to minimize the risks?
The UNESCO-led Global MIL Week Feature Conference is a forum for open and constructive dialogue and discussion about issues and topics shared in many corners of the world. It is a capstone event celebrating state of the art initiatives as well as finding ways forward.
Topics for presentations and papers should be within the fields of MIL and connected to MIL citizens as empowered and informed members of the society; examples of relevant and current research and practices contributing to the enhancement of MIL at the local, national or international levels; policy-related work and government actions that enable sustainable MIL development; studies of the use of media, information and technology as well as other innovative ways to advance MIL development among people. (Please see a list of sub-themes below).
The Global MIL Week 2019 Youth Agenda Forum will take place on 26 September 2019 at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center in Gothenburg, Sweden. Follow the Global MIL Week 2019 official website for updates (coming soon).
Lifelong learning – MIL and the role of civil society, media, social media, and public service media
Disinformation, propaganda, and MIL
Promoting intercultural dialogue
MIL, elections, good governance
MIL and freedom of expression: Hate speech, dialogue, and engagement
Youth: Formal/informal education, and peer education
Youth and news
Coordination and national policies concerning MIL: examples
MIL assessment: Evaluation of efforts, achievements, effectiveness
Teacher training; how to educate the educators?
MIL role in privacy and protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation)
MIL Futures: Innovation, best practices, challenges, the next step, where are we heading?
Innovation, tools, state of the art technology such as artificial intelligence enhancing MIL
1. A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of things (IoT) sensors to collect data and then use these data to manage assets and resources efficiently.
2. Creative cities place creativity and cultural industries at the heart of their development plans at the local level and cooperating actively at the international level. The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 and currently has 180 member cities. See more: https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/
Now on Twitter, but do not just follow me! Rather, let us walk together on Twitter for a better world and internet that enables - You, UNESCO, and me! @GrizzleAlton. Alton Grizzle, http://en.unesco.org/themes/media-and-information-literacy
Programme Specialist – Media Development and Society Section/ MédiasDéveloppement et société, Liberté d’expression et développement des médias, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO, Paris – Phone: +33.1.4568.0890
ユネスコ・グローバルMILウィーク企画 第26回メディア情報リテラシー研究会 多文化カフェ「メディアリテラシー教育、哲学教育、多文化教育の邂逅~それぞれの教育目標・実践を語り、将来の事業連携の可能性を探る~」 Multi-Cultural Cafe "Encounter of Media Literacy Education,Philosophy Education and Multi-Cultural Education"
The year 2017 comes with a lot of challenges and major alterations taking place worldwide in the realms of politics, economy and social life. It has become more challenging than ever before to make sense of the abundance of information charged with agendas, hidden messages, fake news and leading frames. This does not concern only media but all forms of information including research findings on which important policy and decisions are based. Thus, understanding the media and making meaning of the information environments become an essential constituent of the learning process.
Perceived as a fundamental citizenship competency in the 21st century, MIL contributes to helping people understand how they come to know or learn, transforming information into acquired knowledge based on which decisions can be made.
Learning and information environments are giving more autonomy to learners, and all people, coupled with flood of information which is hard to verify. This difficulty of verification calls attention to the major issue of the immediacy of dissemination opposed to the quality of information. This challenge is further amplified when taking into account the interplay of sensationalism and propaganda, fake news and alternate facts for influence. The implementation of corrective measures through MIL for all necessitates equal access of women and men to MIL related capacity building.
We live in an era in which traditional approaches to learning and education are outdated. Synchronization between the rapid technological evolution, which shapes the environments of children and youth, and how they perceive and learn, has proven itself existent. Current education should prepare tomorrow ́s critical citizens who are to make informed decisions. Hence, acclimation of the mindsets of teachers, educators and academics emerges as a precondition to reinvent and transform the ways of learning in the current information environment. With the massive alterations educational frames are undergoing in our current societies, tweaking curricula and teaching methodologies accordingly to integrate the required skills becomes a necessity. With the objectives of and competencies provided by Media and Information Literacy, and the significance of its pedagogy, its integration to education comes to be inevitable as demonstrated impactful in the learning route.
Hence, MIL is believed to be transforming, reforming and reinventing the dynamics of learning in many countries and contexts. Intending to delve deeper and explore the main aspects of this change, “Media and Information Literacy in Critical Times: Re-imagining Ways of Learning” has been selected as the main theme for the MILID Yearbook 2017.
Proposed articles should be seeking response to one or more of the following questions which are regarded as a guide to the topics sought by the Yearbook 2017:
・ How has MIL introduced changes to the information environment and its different actors (individuals, organizations, content...etc)?
・What role does MIL play in helping citizens make sense of information combating phenomena such as fake news?
・ What impact can MIL have on addressing the issues of quality of information, sensationalism and the use of propaganda?
・What is the influence of MIL on lifelong learning and other types of learning?
・ How can curricula in schools be altered to further integrate MIL?
・How prepared are teachers and educators for such integration? And what type(s) of competences should teachers acquire to deliver tweaked curricula that have MIL as a core?
・What are the best teaching and learning methodologies to be sought?
・What are the new policies that should be adopted and implemented by educational
institutions? And what type of alterations can be introduced to existing policies?
・What kind(s) of research should be implemented in order to support MIL practices in
and out of schools?
・What evaluation tools and methodologies are essential to assess endeavors and
第1部は、グローバルMILウィークとGAPMILの現状の報告とヘイトスピーチに対抗するUNAOCのメディア・リテラシー教育政策やIFLAのMIL政策動向について報告します。また、11月末に公開されるユネスコYearBook2016についての紹介も行う予定です。また、情報リテラシーとは何か、その意味を確認するため、1999年に発売された米学校図書館協会監修「Know It All」第13巻「アクティブラーニングのための情報リテラシー基準」日本語字幕版を特別上映します。
(New York, NY - September 6, 2016) - Media Literacy Week(#MediaLitWk) in the U.S. is being held October 31 - November 4, 2016. The mission of Media Literacy Week is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education today.
Sponsored by Trend Micro and hosted by the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), Media Literacy Week already has the support of numerous partnering organizations and dedicated, passionate media literacy experts and practitioners across the nation. Kicking off U.S. Media Literacy Week will be the Digital Citizenship Summit on October 28 at Twitter's San Francisco headquarters with panels and presentations highlighting the themes of "Citizenship, Literacy, and Advocacy."
Media Literacy Week is designed to bring attention and visibility to media literacy education in the U.S. Inspired by Canada's Media Literacy Week now in its 11th year, NAMLE is leading the efforts to create an annual media literacy week in the U.S that showcases the work of amazing media literacy educators and organizations nationwide and drives conversation that creates positive social change.
"The importance of media literacy is continuing to rise, especially given the increasing influence of mobile technologies, live streaming platforms and accelerated influx of tech use in the classroom, " said NAMLE Board Member, Lynette Owens, and Global Director, Internet Safety for Kids & Families Program, Trend Micro. "For these reasons and more, Trend Micro is thrilled to be a proactive participant with NAMLE in helping kids be safer and more responsible digital citizens during Media Literacy Week in the United States and beyond."
"It is vital in today's participatory culture for learners of all ages to understand how to access, analyze, evaluate, communicate, and create all forms of media especially in the midst of the presidential election season," explains NAMLE Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla Lipkin. "It is the mission of this year's Media Literacy Week to shine a spotlight on the power of media literacy education and its vital role in education today."
In an effort to raise national awareness of the escalating demand for media literacy education at home and in schools, affiliated Media Literacy Week partners are working with NAMLE to execute participatory events including #MediaLitWk classroom lessons, live webinars, tweet chats, screenings, PSAs and more.
"These are exciting times for media literacy education. We are fortunate to see people all over the country already making plans to get involved in U.S. Media Literacy Week on a local and national level," adds Lipkin. "We are exhilarated by the amazing ideas that have started to evolve by returning partners, teachers, and collective brain trusts. We look forward to watching the initiative's impact grow."
Organizations and Educators Welcome to Contribute
All are welcome to participate in Media Literacy Week efforts.
If you are an organization interested in being a Media Literacy Partner, email mlwpartners@namle.net.
If you are interested in sponsoring, email Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, Executive Director at mciullalipkin@namle.net.
It's up to each educator and organization to decide how they will participate, but given the proximity to the presidential election, NAMLE is encouraging the exploration of news literacy and civic engagement. For help planning, feel free to visit http://medialiteracyweek.us for tips and ideas or reach out directly to medialiteracyweek@namle.net.
About NAMLE (Host)
The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) is a professional association for educators, academics, activists, and students with a passion for understanding how the media we use and create affect our lives and the lives of others in our communities and in the world. The NAMLE vision is to help individuals of all ages to develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and active citizens in today's world. For more information, visit www.namle.net.
About Trend Micro (Sponsor)
Trend Micro Incorporated, a global leader in security software, strives to make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Built on 25 years of experience, our solutions for consumers, businesses and governments provide layered data security to protect information on mobile devices, endpoints, gateways, servers and the cloud. Trend Micro enables the smart protection of information, with innovative security technology that is simple to deploy and manage, and fits an evolving ecosystem. All of our solutions are powered by cloud-based global threat intelligence, the Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ infrastructure, and are supported by more than 1,200 threat experts around the globe. For more information, visit TrendMicro.com.
Trend Micro's Commitment to the Internet Safety of Kids and Families
To support its vision of making the world safe for exchanging digital information, Trend Micro aspires to make a difference by using its expertise to make the world at large a better place. Trend Micro has made a commitment to make the Internet a great place for young people around the world through its world-wide education and volunteer program, grants and donations, and partnerships with those who share its mission. For more information visit: internetsafety.trendmicro.com.
NAMLE(全米メディア・リテラシー教育学会)2017年発表者の募集です。テーマは「Engaging Citizens, Building Community」
June 27-28, 2017
Chicago, IL
Roosevelt University
"Engaging Citizens, Building Communities"
Accepting Proposals for Presentations
The rapid development of new media technologies and cultures in today's society is reshaping what it means to be an engaged citizen. From printed political pamphlets to television broadcasts of presidential debates, media have always played a part in politics. In today's networked society, the public's participation in political processes and their use of media are increasingly interconnected. Yet, public perceptions of both politics and the press are at an all time low and in this most recent election cycle, discerning fact from fiction from outright lies is a 24/7 challenge[1]. More than ever before, media literacy is a 'core competency for engaged citizenship in participatory democracy.'
Our mission for the 2017 NAMLE Conference is to explore the relationship between media literacy education, civic participation and community building within our contemporary culture. We invite presentation and session proposals that address the conference theme of "Engaging Citizens, Building Community."
The 2017 NAMLE Conference will be held at Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL. Founded on the principles of inclusion and social justice, Roosevelt is a private, student-centered university with 5,400 students located in the heart of the Windy City. During the conference, attendees will come together to discuss issues of media literacy education and civic engagement, as well as strengthen the community of scholars, practitioners, and educators interested in media literacy.
In an effort to provide a variety of opportunities for interaction, discussion and collaboration among our membership, the 2017 conference will include a range of events including plenary speakers, presentations from NAMLE members, special curated sessions, workshops and other exciting events, all related to the theme of "Engaging Citizens, Building Community." Topics addressed will include
but are not limited to:
Media, activism and social change - Presentations will address the role of media in social movements and the relationship between media literacy education and social justice.
Youth media - Presentations will address youth media's potential for encouraging the rising generation of citizens to express themselves and engage with their communities.
Civic engagement - Presentations will examine the role of media in contemporary citizenship, including the development of new forms of civic discourse, political practice, advocacy, etc.
News Literacy - Presentations will address the importance of critically engaging with journalistic sources, especially in relation to contemporary politics.
Community & the 'Big Tent' - Presentations will explore the varied theoretical foundations, pedagogical practices, and areas of inquiry in the field of media literacy education, and seek to identify connections that might strengthen the media literacy community.
Potential proposal submissions will include individual presentations, group discussions, interactive workshops and other innovative formats. We encourage scholars, educators, media professionals, students, and activists interested in furthering media literacy education to prepare a submission. Proposals will be given special consideration if they (1) articulate concrete connections to the conference theme, and (2) demonstrate the potential for dynamic discussion and shared discovery.
Presenters can select from the following submission formats:
Individual Presentations (15 min) - This format allows individuals to share research and practice related to the conference theme of "Engaging Citizens, Building Community." Individual presentations may be organized into a session with presentations that address a related theme or into a "Dialogues" session (see below).
Group Discussions (60 minutes) - This format allows for 3-4 participants to present related research or projects. These group discussions can be organized as panel presentations or interactive workshops.
Flash Talks (5 minutes)- This format showcases innovative ideas, projects, and research in the areas of media literacy education. The format, modeled after Ignite (www.ignitetalks.io), challenges presenters to clearly and succinctly explain their work or ideas in just 5 minutes, potentially leading to new collaborative partnerships among conference attendees and presenters.
In addition to traditional sessions, the conference organizers will curate some new activities and session formats to engage conference attendees:
Dialogues - These sessions place two presenters with complimentary themes in dialogue with each other. Individual proposals will be selected and paired with each other by conference organizers. Dialogues may partner a theoretician with a practitioner, an educator with an activist, a media creator with a community organizer, etc. The objective of these sessions is to facilitate critical conversations about key issues within the media literacy community. Proposals accepted to participate in a 'Dialogues' session will be required to submit a written draft of their presentation at a later date. These drafts will be made available to conference attendees via the NAMLE website previous to the conference. Each session will have a moderator who will guide the dialogue between presenters and attendees.
Compelling Models - These sessions will allow organizations including research centers, youth media organizations, tech-focused and community-based organizations, etc. to share innovative ways in which they are advancing media literacy principles through a variety of fields. Organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for innovative and interactive 'Group Discussions' that showcase their particular work.
Community-Building-These sessions will organize conference attendees by their particular area of interest (including PK-12, undergraduate education, research & scholarship, youth media, etc.). Discussion leaders will design sessions that encourage the creation of community within these areas, encouraging individuals to connect, share their work, and have critical conversations about specific issues related to their areas of interest.
Download a proposal template. Use the online template to describe your proposed session. Make sure your proposal is formatted as a PDF document to be sent as an email attachment. Indicate the authors' names, affiliations, email addresses, contact information and presentation format in the EMAIL ONLY. Do not include identifying information in the proposal itself. Presentations will undergo a blind review, and then be organized by the conference committee into general and curated sessions.
Submit your proposal to: submissions@namle.net no later than January 4, 2017, 11:59pm PST
Because NAMLE is a not-for-profit organization, the financial viability of the conference depends on the support of everyone who attends. Invited participants are required to register for the conference when they accept their invitation. Invitations will be sent in March following the conference committee's peer-review and selection process. Registration information will be available on the NAMLE and conference website at that time.
All accepted proposals will be required to submit an engaging image/video and <100 word abstract that will be used to promote the presentation on NAMLE's website and social media presence.
Selected research presentations from the conference will be invited for publication in the Journal of Media Literacy Education.
ホッブス氏はメディア学とメディア教育が重なる領域で精力的に研究を続けている。研究はとりわけ学力に対するメディア・リテラシー教育実践のインパクトの調査に向けられている。また、「Journal for Media Literacy Education」の創設以来の共同編集者である。この雑誌は全米メディア・リテラシー教育学会(NAMLE)の公式紀要であり、誰でも自由に読むことができ、ピアレビューが行われている。ホッブス氏は学術および専門雑誌に130以上の記事や原稿を書いており、著書には「Exploring the Roots of Digital and Media Literacy through Personal Narrative」、「Discovering Media Literacy: Digital Media and Popular Culture in Elementary School」(『メディア・リテラシー教育と出会う―小学生がデジタルメディアとポップカルチャーに向き合う』弘前大学出版会)、「Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom」『デジタル時代のメディア・リテラシー教育―中高生の日常のメディアと授業の融合』東京学芸大学出版会)、「Copyright Clarity: How Fair Use Supports Digital Learning」、「 Reading the Media: Media Literacy in High School English」がある。