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MILID Yearbook 2017の論文投稿要項

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MILID Yearbook 2017の論文投稿要項がユネスコのサイトに掲載されました。

テーマ 「危機の時代のメディア情報リテラシー:学びの再考への道」
プロポーサル締め切り 4月10日


The year 2017 comes with a lot of challenges and major alterations taking place worldwide in the realms of politics, economy and social life. It has become more challenging than ever before to make sense of the abundance of information charged with agendas, hidden messages, fake news and leading frames. This does not concern only media but all forms of information including research findings on which important policy and decisions are based. Thus, understanding the media and making meaning of the information environments become an essential constituent of the learning process.

Perceived as a fundamental citizenship competency in the 21st century, MIL contributes to helping people understand how they come to know or learn, transforming information into acquired knowledge based on which decisions can be made.
Learning and information environments are giving more autonomy to learners, and all people, coupled with flood of information which is hard to verify. This difficulty of verification calls attention to the major issue of the immediacy of dissemination opposed to the quality of information. This challenge is further amplified when taking into account the interplay of sensationalism and propaganda, fake news and alternate facts for influence. The implementation of corrective measures through MIL for all necessitates equal access of women and men to MIL related capacity building.

We live in an era in which traditional approaches to learning and education are outdated. Synchronization between the rapid technological evolution, which shapes the environments of children and youth, and how they perceive and learn, has proven itself existent. Current education should prepare tomorrow ́s critical citizens who are to make informed decisions. Hence, acclimation of the mindsets of teachers, educators and academics emerges as a precondition to reinvent and transform the ways of learning in the current information environment. With the massive alterations educational frames are undergoing in our current societies, tweaking curricula and teaching methodologies accordingly to integrate the required skills becomes a necessity. With the objectives of and competencies provided by Media and Information Literacy, and the significance of its pedagogy, its integration to education comes to be inevitable as demonstrated impactful in the learning route.

Hence, MIL is believed to be transforming, reforming and reinventing the dynamics of learning in many countries and contexts. Intending to delve deeper and explore the main aspects of this change, “Media and Information Literacy in Critical Times: Re-imagining Ways of Learning” has been selected as the main theme for the MILID Yearbook 2017.

Proposed articles should be seeking response to one or more of the following questions which are regarded as a guide to the topics sought by the Yearbook 2017:

・ How has MIL introduced changes to the information environment and its different actors (individuals, organizations, content...etc)?
・What role does MIL play in helping citizens make sense of information combating phenomena such as fake news?
・ What impact can MIL have on addressing the issues of quality of information, sensationalism and the use of propaganda?
・What is the influence of MIL on lifelong learning and other types of learning?
・ How can curricula in schools be altered to further integrate MIL?
・How prepared are teachers and educators for such integration? And what type(s) of competences should teachers acquire to deliver tweaked curricula that have MIL as a core?
・What are the best teaching and learning methodologies to be sought?
・What are the new policies that should be adopted and implemented by educational
institutions? And what type of alterations can be introduced to existing policies?
・What kind(s) of research should be implemented in order to support MIL practices in
and out of schools?
・What evaluation tools and methodologies are essential to assess endeavors and
interventions of MIL in learning?

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世界報道の自由の日 (2017)











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